WEARING his frock he looks to the tourists in his home locale of Oban similar to the majority nationalistic of Scots. But Stuart Collie has Dercums disease, one of the rarest, incorrigible conditions in Britain, and the frock is the majority gentle form of skirt for him, as he suffers from a mass of unpleasant tumours in his legs.Speaking on general Rare DiseasADVERTISEMENTe Day yesterday at the launch of a inhabitant interest to set up a await organisation for Dercums sufferers, Mr Collies wife, Sarah, 32, said: "Stuart attempted to wear jeans again not long ago but he has got cuts from where they have been rubbing off on the tumours." Mr Collie, 35, added: "I cant wear jeans now, the frock is the majority gentle by far."Sufferers – primarily post-menopausal women – benefit weight rapidly, as rank and file of greasy tumours – benign, but excruciatingly unpleasant given of their alliance to haughtiness endings – set up up all over the body.The ensuing weight benefit cannot be shifted by diet or practice and Mr Collie said: "I have left from eleven mill and a 31in waist dual years ago to a 37in waist and thirteen and a half mill today. "I dont overeat, I can usually eat small amounts at one time given I have a swelling in my stomach and I cant practice given of the tumours in my legs."The initial idea that something was wrong was when the former outside sports fan complained of heedfulness in his leg and chest five years ago.When tumours were found in opposite tools of his physique doctors primarily thought they were submissive growths and that Mr Collie was devising the border of the pain.But after dual operations to remove a little of the growths, the tumours usually grew behind and after examining all his symptoms and expelling probable alternative causes, Mr Collie was clinically diagnosed as carrying Dercums disease.Mr Collie said: "I get ongoing tired and on a bad day I cant get out of bed. I had to give up my pursuit as a grill physical education instructor last August."The seizure additionally causes difficulty and basin and Mrs Collie gave up her pursuit as a beautician in Nov to caring for her husband.She said: "It has all altered the lives. Stuart used to go towering biking and we have climbed Ben Nevis, but right away we get median turn Tesco and Stuart has to have a rest."There are believed to be usually a handful of people who have been diagnosed with the condition in Scotland.However, the integrate feel there is not sufficient await for sufferers in the UK and contend they have perceived some-more report about it from the internet and from sources in America than from any one in Britain.American alloy Karen Herbst is one of 3 people in the universe well known to be researching the disease.Speaking from her bottom in San Diego, California, Dr Herbst said: "We do not have numbers for superiority or incidence."I have been researching Dercums disease given 2005. At this time I do not know what causes it but think it innately involves the defence complement and inflammation." Now the integrate are delectable to any one who suffers from Dercum"s, or doctors who have believe of treating it, to hit them so that a UK await organisation can be established.
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